Monday, September 9, 2013

What I've been working on

Hey guys, apologies if I seem like I've been ignoring the site. I did forget to post this from a few months ago

The title card for my first video review, which you can check out right here!

But mostly I've been in more of a writing mood then an art mood. That, and planning out my webcomic. I really need to get a writing section up on this site...

Here's the link to a new article about the terrible Issues going on at DC, revolving the Batwoman controversy. This was very last minute, so I don't have an official title card for it yet.

As for a schedule, I decided to continue with and... open schedule. Especially since I am about to start full time hours at work. I'm crossing my fingers to have some of the projects I've been working on will be up soon.

I had several other DC articles slated for the next couple of weeks, which are now canceled. I'll be posting the title cards for the canceled cards in a few days.

SlugLady28 aka Tegan Dumpleton

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